My blog
My thoughts and ideas
My thoughts and ideas
I’ve been quite busy over the past month working on a new release of my cubism plugin for Grafana, called grafanacubism-panel. It’s been an exciting journey of improvements and revisions!
It’s still not signed as both version 0.0.2 and 0.0.3 had issues that were picked by the review process (0.0.1 was somewhat of a trial balloon as it...
In my last post the title mentioned cubism 1.2
but at that time I hadn’t released it.
But as of today it is available on github.
I decided to spend more time adding some testing on the feature that I added (so mainly the zoom part) and once I got it working I wanted to...
I mentioned previously that I worked on updating and fixing cubism-es
In a previous post, I mentioned working on a cubism plugin for grafana.
The core of this plugin is the cubism library, but it seems that this library is somehow stuck in 2014 and it’s not working well in the current Javascript ecosystem.
I found a...
In a previous post, I mentioned working on a cubism plugin for grafana.
The core of this plugin is the cubism library, but it seems that this library is somehow stuck in 2014 and it’s not working well in the current Javascript ecosystem.
I found a somewhat newer version of the library that was ported to ES...