Updating x509 tool

I made a small update today to my tool x509 available at github. I fixed a warning with the upcomming deprecation of datetime without timezone and also added the display of the basic constraints.

Apart from that it’s still the same tool that is quite handy at showing certificates in a nice way:

x509 host://www.matws.net
CN:             www.matws.net
SAN:            dns:www.matws.net
Issuer:         CN=R10,O=Let's Encrypt,C=US
Validity:       valid / 2025-01-19 05:18:57 UTC to 2025-04-19 05:18:56 UTC (1 months to expiration)
Constraints:    critical = True, is CA = False, path length = None
Serial:         295836300993398582414212128318650675314217
Usage:          Digital signature, Encipherment, Server auth, Client auth
CA issuers:     http://r10.i.lencr.org/
OSCP:           http://r10.o.lencr.org
Ciphers:        RSA 2048 / sha256
SKID:           keyid: a5ba7c9c39585b70c6bbf19e07d73a4ceb76435d
AKID:           keyid: bbbcc347a5e4bca9c6c3a4720c108da235e1c8e8
CN:             R10
Issuer:         CN=ISRG Root X1,O=Internet Security Research Group,C=US
Validity:       valid / 2024-03-13 00:00:00 UTC to 2027-03-12 23:59:59 UTC (2 years to expiration)
Constraints:    critical = True, is CA = True, path length = 0
Serial:         100566080436859127493189557861323994576
Usage:          Digital signature, Cert signing, CRL signing, Client auth, Server auth
Crl:            http://x1.c.lencr.org/
CA issuers:     http://x1.i.lencr.org/
Ciphers:        RSA 2048 / sha256
SKID:           keyid: bbbcc347a5e4bca9c6c3a4720c108da235e1c8e8
AKID:           keyid: 79b459e67bb6e5e40173800888c81a58f6e99b6e